that actually bear lake?
Yes it is.
Hello, This is a message for the webmaster/admin here at I use some of the information from this blog post right above if I provide a backlink back to this website?Thanks,Jack
If I let you what website will you be posting it on?
Beautiful! What kind of camera do you use??
Hi Melissa, Welcome to my blog. I used the Nikon D2XS with Nikkor 2.8 fisheye glass for this shot.
I like your pictures--especially the close up ones in your "little things" post.I got your link from Jack's photography...looking forward to seeing more great shots :)
That is awesome!
This is incredible.
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9 comments: that actually bear lake?
Yes it is.
This is a message for the webmaster/admin here at
May I use some of the information from this blog post right above if I provide a backlink back to this website?
If I let you what website will you be posting it on?
What kind of camera do you use??
Hi Melissa, Welcome to my blog. I used the Nikon D2XS with Nikkor 2.8 fisheye glass for this shot.
I like your pictures--especially the close up ones in your "little things" post.
I got your link from Jack's photography...looking forward to seeing more great shots :)
That is awesome!
This is incredible.
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